15 British Food Items You Should Try.

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As a Brit living in Canada, I constantly thinking about the food I miss. While British food isn’t recognized for being world-class, it is comfort food to me. What’s more comfortable than eating a whole box of Jaffa Cakes in one sitting? The British have some unusual cuisine. There is some extremely awful cuisine, but there are a few standout items that I would highly suggest. I’ve been in Canada, unable to return to the UK, which has made me think more about all the food I’ll be eating when I do return. So, to inspire you or simply make you hungry, I’ve compiled a list of the top British foods to taste. This isn’t enjoyable until I’m pulling everyone else down with me.

The majority of this meal is readily available across the United Kingdom. Some regional foods are still popular enough to be available in many major cities, particularly if you visit London. That being said, I recommend getting out of London and visiting one of the UK’s many other amazing places during your vacation.

British cuisine is commonly heavy on meat and potatoes, and it is often high in carbohydrates. It will keep you full for the majority of the day. While I’m focusing on more traditional foods here, there is still a lot of foreign cuisine in the UK, so you’ll always find something you enjoy. However, while you’re traveling, don’t be scared to try something.

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